Meet Matt LeBlanc, director of iEmergence

"One of the biggest shifts that we need to make in society is how we look at each other and how we appreciate the differences of the other and recognize the similarities as places to build from," said Matt, who co-founded iEmergence in 2008 with Larissa Minniecon and Hannah Chapman.

Kharla Acosta: My journey to Canada

"The work of iEmergence is building that pathway of knowing, of learning and of redeeming one's culture and God-given identity," said Kharla Acosta, executive director of iEmergence Philippines, of her time spent at the 2023 NAIITS symposium in Winnipeg.



Building Pathways
Copyright 2023

iEmergence is a member of the Indigenous Pathways family, a non-profit/non-stock organization. We are focused on holistic community and leadership development in indigenous and tribal communities.

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